Case Study Presentation: LCBC
Church I studied the LCBC church, which stands for Lives Changed by Christ. Summary of religious identity and mission LCBC is a nondenominational Christian church that focuses on fostering a sense of community and an atmosphere of openness so that people feel that they are to express their thoughts, feelings and share questions about the faith; this group's mission is to "introduce people to Jesus and together fully follow him." 2 examples from my research that backs my claim A large part of this church's religious identity focuses on community, I've seen examples of this in the messages they communicate and the language they use, which often refers to following and serving Jesus together, this is further demonstrated by the multiple groups they have at the church in the hopes that people find their niche. Furthermore, when I visited the church, I could see how committed they were to retaining visitors, they had a guest section, an area for peop...